Thursday, 1 March 2012

It seemed so perfect...

28th February was one of those days that just seemed like the right conditions to put out the trap. It was cloudy and humid all day, the temperature got up to 13C and stayed at around 11C all night, only very slight breeze fro mthe SW. So why didn't more come to my trap??
Three moths were caught, well two were caught and one was sat on the shed door waiting for me in the morning. All three were new for the year, which is good. This puts me on 4 x Macros and 4 x Micros.

The first to the trap was Endrosis sarcitrella. Common, yes. But it was my first for the year, so here it is.

Next to arrive (but I had to wait a further 3 hours!) was this nice Amblyptilia acanthadactyla. I got several of these last year but they're always interesting to see!

Finally, as I was packing the trap away in the shed, I spotted this Emmelina monodactyla sitting waiting for me to photograph it on the door.

Slowly, we are getting there!

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