Wednesday, 22 February 2012

And they're off...

Huzzah! The moth season has finally kicked off, and in true form the garden produced some goodies. Three new for me (but I didn't trap this early last year, so that's kind of to be expected) in the form of these crackers.

 My first moth was found on the sheet after only an hour of the light being on. A Pale Brindled Beauty.
 This little fellow came next to the sheet - Tortricodes alternella. Very subtle colours on this one, very impressed.

This Chestnut was my second garden record, after catching one in my first season, I missed out last year. On the sheet.
An in the morning, this Early Moth was also found on the sheet.

So, it has to be said that the trap itself didn't catch anything, but the light did it's job. Hopefully they weren't having a party out there and scarpering when I came out to check....but we'll never know!

2012 Moth Count - 6 of 5 Species. It's a start!

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