Monday, 4 March 2013

And with small rewards comes Spring

Yes! It must be Spring at last. The crocus are out, the Robin was singing at 1030pm in the hedgerow at the top of the garden. A Sand Martin was seen in London this morning (although the Walrus sighting in Scotland yesterday reminded us that the Arctic hasn't fully left us yet!).

The mild temperatures over the weekend prompted me to dust of the trap and try a little light polluting. I only put out the 15W Actinic to see what I could attract (only a half-hearted effort really) and after a couple of visits up the garden without anything showing I wasn't very hopeful. However, I packed the trap away at midnight and found this little fella perched next to the trap on a tarpauline...

March Moth is my 3rd moth this year (following a few sightings of Winter Moth and a single Emmelina monodactyla in the garden).

A small gesture from nature and a hint of things to come, although probably not for another week or so as it looks like it's gonna get cold again at the weekend!